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This study examines the effects of connections and economic performance on the promotion of Chinese city mayors. Our study differs from the published literature in four respects. First, this study covers a comprehensive data set, including 1,422 mayors from 284 prefecture‐level cities. The use of a large data set helps resolve mixed results of past studies. Second, we use a broader range of top leaders. Third, we apply a more comprehensive definition of connections than earlier studies. Finally, we examine the effects of the policy shift of the 11th 5‐year plan on promotion of mayors. Our results reveal that the performance of a city mayor assisted his/her promotion to party secretary before 2006 but not afterwards. However, a mayor's connection with five types of top leaders is helpful. Among the four types of connection, colleagueship is the most effective in expediting the promotion of mayors. Graduating from the same university and department is also helpful but to a lesser extent. Township connection is not useful.  相似文献   
作为长江上游的核心区域,川渝黔一体化发展的本质就是长江上游区域的一体化发展。战略目标有两个方面:在成渝城市群基础上形成世界级城市群、形成世界级主导产业和企业集团。其战略意义有五个方面:极大缓解我国不平衡不充分发展与人民追求美好生活愿望之间的矛盾、率先促进长江上游区域一体化发展、有助于加快实现“一带一路”和长江经济带等发展目标、有利于保护水资源和建成上游生态屏障、使我国有一个长远和稳固的战略后方基地。一体化发展的基本内容包含五个方面:交通通信设施一体化、产业发展一体化、监管和生产要素一体化、生态环境一体化、人口流动时身份规定一体化。  相似文献   
随着城市人口的增加和人们健康意识的增强,近年 来城市公园的使用率呈现迅速上升趋势。手机等智能电子设备 的高速发展,使人们可以在户外运动中监测自身活动轨迹、距 离和能量消耗等。以北京奥林匹克森林公园为例,通过手机 信令、微博、百度POI等大数据与GIS技术结合,构建依托大 数据的GIS耦合模型,从游人的行为需求出发对公园的慢跑游 线、景点热度、游人空间分布等进行使用后量化评价,并针对 问题提出北京奥林匹克森林公园的景观优化策略。结果显示大 数据与GIS的结合可以为公园的景观优化提供客观且理性的整 改依据,从而更科学地指导城市公园的景观提升。  相似文献   

Over the past four decades considerable efforts have been taken to mitigate the growing burden of road injury. With increasing urbanisation along with global mobility that demands not only safe but equitable, efficient and clean (reduced carbon footprint) transport, the responses to dealing with the burgeoning road traffic injury in low- and middle-income countries has become increasingly complex. In this paper, we apply unique methods to identify important strategies that could be implemented to reduce road traffic injury in the Asia-Pacific region; a region comprising large middle-income countries (China and India) that are currently in the throes of rapid motorisation. Using a convolutional neural network approach, we clustered countries containing a total of 1632 cities from around the world into groups based on urban characteristics related to road and public transport infrastructure. We then analysed 20 countries (containing 689 cities) from the Asia-Pacific region and assessed the global burden of disease attributed to road traffic injury and these various urban characteristics. This study demonstrates the utility of employing image recognition methods to discover new insights that afford urban and transport planning opportunities to mitigate road traffic injury at a regional and global scale.  相似文献   
在咸阳市区采集表层土壤样品60个,包括交通主干道路两侧、城市公园、住宅小区、工矿企业周边区域4类典型功能区。采用原子吸收分光光度法测定土壤样品中Cr(铬)、Cu(铜)、Ni(镍)、Pb(铅)、Zn(锌)5种重金属的含量,运用污染指数评价法、潜在生态风险指数法对土壤重金属的污染现状及风险进行评价。结果表明:(1)咸阳市土壤中Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn 5种重金属的平均含量分别为65.11、26.91、29.81、38.26、90.94mg/kg,均超过陕西省土壤重金属元素背景值;不同城市功能区土壤重金属含量水平具有明显的差异。(2)从土壤重金属单因子污染指数来看,除重金属Pb在城市公园为中度污染外,其余元素在不同功能区及整个咸阳市均为轻度污染;从土壤重金属综合污染指数来看,不论是咸阳市还是不同功能区,其土壤环境质量等级均属于轻污染。(3)不论是综合潜在生态风险还是单个重金属元素潜在生态风险,咸阳市及不同功能区都属于低生态风险水平,且重金属Pb对综合潜在生态风险的贡献率最大(37.56%)。(4)5种重金属(Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn)对儿童和成人的非致癌风险均很小;人体(儿童和成人)暴露土壤中,Ni的综合致癌风险在可接受范围内,但明显高于下限值,而Cr的综合致癌风险则是显著的;人体(儿童和成人)暴露土壤重金属而产生的非致癌风险和致癌风险的主要途径是直接摄入和皮肤接触。  相似文献   
以常德市柏子园汇水片区为例,运用水力模型工 具,探讨在老城区现有末端生态雨水机埠情形下,通过优化设 置低影响开发(LID)设施和管网改造工程,从源头解决机埠合 流制溢流(CSO)污染的效果和可行性。根据棚户区较多、绿 地率少、土壤渗透性差、项目实施难度大等情况,进行项目方 案布置和LID措施选择;根据现状管网特征,进行近远期管网 改造方案和源头截流措施选择。采用典型年降雨数据进行连续 模拟,分析评估在老旧城区增设源头控制设施和中途管网改造 对既定末端机埠溢流水量及溢流频次的控制效果,并通过情景 方案比选,得出在现有土地使用条件下的最优海绵改造方案, 以期为类似合流制特点的区域提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
目前,中国亟需借鉴国际经验探索建设中国特色自由贸易港。韩国政府对自由贸易港区实行税收减免、金融支持、生活配套等多方面优惠政策。中国台湾地区的自由贸易港区除了传统自由贸易港的转运功能之外,还包括深度加工制造功能,并通过功能布局、政策优化与修整提升自由贸易港区的竞争力。通过比较发现,韩国和中国台湾自由贸易港区均具有立法保障、功能多元和高效运营等3个相似特征,同时它们在管理机构、功能形态、税收减免和服务供给方面存在差异。中国特色自由贸易港应先通过立法对其管理与运行进行规范,结合区位优势选择合适的功能定位,通过税收减免优惠及增加良好生活配套供给来吸引高质量外资。  相似文献   
沈阳城市周边耕地多功能评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]为探索城市化影响下城市周边耕地多功能的现状,分析其空间差异,为耕地保护及城市周边耕地发展提供参考。[方法]从耕地的生产、生态、社会和景观4个功能出发构建评价指标体系,利用熵权法确定指标权重,加权求和法计算单一功能和多功能值,并用ArcGIS进行空间分析,对沈阳城市周边50个乡镇(街道)的耕地多功能性进行综合评价。[结果](1)沈阳城市周边耕地的多功能性空间差异较为明显。生产功能远郊平原区最强,远郊山区和近郊区较弱;生态功能总体偏弱,个别乡镇较好;距离城市越远,社会功能越强;景观功能近郊区较强,远郊区较弱。(2)耕地的生态、社会和景观功能主要受距市中心距离的影响,生产功能受地形和距市中心距离的双重影响,而多功能则受地形、距市中心距离及各乡镇(街道)耕地主导功能等的综合影响。(3)沈阳城市周边的大多数耕地以农业生产为主导,景观文化功能整体相对较弱。近郊区耕地生态功能所占比重较大,但社会功能比重较小,远郊区则与之相反。[结论]沈阳城市周边耕地多功能性空间差异较为明显且不均衡,应科学规划城市周边耕地功能,优化空间布局,协调耕地各功能的关系,促进耕地多功能综合发展。  相似文献   
City governments are embracing data-driven and algorithmic planning to tackle urban problems. Data-driven analytics have an unprecedented capacity to call urban futures into being. At the same time, they can depoliticize planning decisions. I argue that this shift calls urban studies scholars to investigate geographies of algorithmic violence—a repetitive and standardized form of violence that contributes to the racialization of space and spatialization of poverty. This article examines this broader phenomenon through the case of a proprietary market value assessment that is being used to guide development in cities across the United States. The assessment employs an algorithm that helps city officials make critical decisions about which neighborhoods to target for investment, disinvestment and public service upgrades or disconnections. I argue that the racial, infrastructural, and epistemological violence associated with this evaluation can potentially lead to a new kind of municipal redlining. The article brings insights from critical race theory into conversation with critical scholarship on algorithms by analyzing how algorithmic violence works through data-driven planning technologies to depoliticize and leverage power while further entrenching racism and inequality.  相似文献   
我国海绵城市建设绩效评价还处于起步阶段,急需构建科学合理的海绵城市建设绩效评价指标体系。通过对海绵城市建设全生命周期各项绩效评价内容的研究,全面选取评价指标,采用层次分析法、专家调查法给出指标权重,设置具有操作性的评价标准,建立总体级、项目级两个层级的具有针对性、科学性、完整性的海绵城市建设绩效评价指标体系,为海绵城市建设各阶段各层级的绩效监测或总体评价提供参考。  相似文献   
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